Are you looking for greeting cards? Would you like to make your own greeting cards? You can shop for a wide variety of types of greeting cards for any type of occasion, milestone, or celebration. By looking for online shops that sell craft supplies, greetings cards, and other supplies, you will come across the name Inlovearts. The experiences and insights of people that have previously bought from this company will give you insight into the company’s products, processes, and customer services. By reading those customer reviews on peer review platforms such as Collected.Reviews, customers can make better-informed decisions.
About Inlovearts:
Inlovearts was founded in 2015. The company operates an online shop that specializes in greeting cards, stamps, dies, 3D cards, and craft supplies. The company has an office and manufacturing facility in Shanghai, China, and a warehouse in the United States.
Products and Services of Inlovearts:
The Inlovearts online shop lists it products under sections and categories. The sections of products are Die Stamps, Accessories, 3D Cards, and 5D Diamond Painting. Product types range from cuttingdies (with themes of nature, characters, animals, occasions, and more), stamps (with themes for festivals, occasions, vintage, animals, words, floral, and more), and dieswithstamps. Customers can also shop for craft supplies such as tapes, paper, paper quilling, stickers, layering stencils, decorations, material packages, and more. The 5D diamond painting products are based on themes of animal painting, flower painting, life painting, love painting, and more.
Customers can make payment with PayPal, as well as credit and debit cards from American Express, Discover Network, Diner’s Club, JCB Group, Maestro, MasterCard, and Visa.
The company provides free shipping on orders that exceed a certain value amount threshold, while all other orders are shipped with a fixed-rate delivery fee. Orders are usually delivered in 7 to 10 business days, while international orders usually take between 10 to 30 business days for delivery.
Inlovearts operates a 30-day returns policy. This returns policy is limited: certain products are non-returnable, such as perishable goods, flowers, newspapers, magazines, gift cards, downloadable software products, and certain health and personal hygiene products. To begin the returns process, customers must notify the company’s customer service department. Items eligible for returns must be in an unused condition, as-new, and in original packaging. Refunds are paid within 10 business days. The company also provides an exchanges policy, which is limited to defective or damaged products only. The exchanges policy operates in the same procedure as the company’s returns process.
Compliments, Complaints and Tips of Inlovearts:
Have you bought any products or items from Inlovearts before? What did you think of their online shop? Did their online shop offer your preferred method of payment? Did your order arrive on time and in good condition? Did you need to return any items and if so, what did you make of their staff’s customer services? Would you recommend this company to friends and family members? Please consider writing a customer review so that other would-be shoppers will know exactly what to expect from this company. Your experience and feedback on their products, processes, procedures, and customer services are invaluable to other people who are searching for more information on this company, products, and services.
18-12-20215D Diamond printing
The best possible customer service!
It was my experience that the Inlovearts firm was really attentive.
It was possible to get a response to every phone call and every email sent.
When we were in a bind and needed an item to be delivered as soon as possible, they assisted us in locating the goods as close to our location as possible, and they kept us informed of projected shipping and delivery dates at every step of the way.
We were really desperate customers, and they treated us with professionalism and courtesy at all times.
When we got defective merchandise from the manufacturer, they made it easy for us to return it and obtain a reimbursement for the defective products.
It is impossible to express how pleased we are with the service we have received from the Inlovearts firm over the last many months.