Name Stories
The foremost item on a person's data is the name of the person. A name is a designation or verbal address that is given to a person, animal, thing, tangible or intangible, concrete or abstract concept, to distinguish it from others. Keeping with the fact that name is a common connotation, the meanings are mostly discovered to give the bearer some level of acceptance. Name Stories aver to search into the roots of names to discover their meaning. You may find interesting customer reviews of existing customers, sharing their experience about Name Stories.
About Name Stories
Name Stories declare to have started when Julie received a divine calling to spread the gospel of names about 10 years ago. Julie is said to be a rabid reader, exhaustive researcher, passionate historian, demander of accuracy, and name-nerd extraordinaire. She claims to search every nook and crannies for the magnificence behind every name. Keeping each story to 175 words or less, while encapsulating the key elements of its survival and origin, is something that keeps her awake at night.
How to Contact Name Stories
Would you like to speak to the Name Stories customer care team? They can be contacted via any of the social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Products and Services of Name Stories
Name Stories aver that they mine and explore the essence of names through rigorous research that traces their linguistic origins, meanings, context, and relevance through time. Part science, part art, they state that their process is intense, scholarly, and driven by their insatiable passion for the inquisitive words the humans call themselves. After all, every name is full of life. Telling its story keeps it alive, and assists them to learn not just about each other, but themselves.
Name Stories affirms that their services celebrate the essence of identities by showcasing narratives in a captivating artistic rendering that's worthy of being cherished for generations. Each represents countless travels and years of study through history as they trace names that span time and geography, from Judeo-Christian narratives in the Old and New Testaments to the incredible survival of Celtic and Slavic names to the spread of Germanic names and the historical context of names of Arabic and Sanskrit origins. They profess that their work has taught them that nothing about a name is accidental. Their significance and survival through history are fascinating when close attention is paid.
Delivery Policy of Name Stories
Name Stories offer reliable delivery by 12/24, however, framed items may not arrive in time.
Compliments, Complaints, or Tips for Name Stories
What does your name mean? Was it quite an effort to discover what it means? Have you met Name Stories before and were you thrilled by the services they render? Please share your experience with us, as interested persons yet to discover the meaning of their names may leverage on your view. What are your compliments, complaints, or tips for Name Stories? Kindly leave your feedback. You never can tell what influence it will have to improve the services of Name Stories.