Let’s face it, not many of us can say no to a stunning designer handbag. Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to buy brand new designer products regularly. Many companies now offer customers second-hand designer handbags for a fraction of the cost of a new one.
Did you know that buying a pre-owned designer handbag instead of a brand new one can save you up to 80%? Be aware that a second handbag does not imply that it is of poor quality or has been neglected.
Rebag is a company that claims to sell handbags that are still good, if not perfect and your friends and family will have no idea that your designer item is pre-owned ( unless, of course, you decide to reveal Rebag’s wonderful secret to them). However, we recommend you read candid Rebag reviews here, before patronizing the firm.
About Rebag
Rebag claims to sell genuine pre-owned bags from the most coveted brands. Rebag asserts to only accept bags from a select group of fewer than 50 brands, including Gucci, Prada, and Chanel. The firm maintains that they won’t take any bag from a high-end brand and that there are several requirements for the conditions of bags for them to be accepted. A seller would also need to send in some information about the piece’s condition, and if Rebag thinks it’s worth reselling, a quote will be given.
Rebag allegedly makes the procedure easier for a buyer as well. If a buyer has any doubt about the validity of the bags on the site, the company promises that its team of employees is perfectly capable of detecting fakes. Customers with questions or queries can contact Rebag by calling 18443737723. Other customers can also follow the social media activities of Rebag on Instagram.
Products and services of Rebag
Rebag claims to specialize in the purchase, sale, and trading of luxury accessories such as handbags, fine jewelry, and tiny leather products. They maintain that they are the best location for those who want to renew their closet or dump once-loved items in their collection, with over 50 designer labels and tens of thousands of items to purchase.
Rebag asserts to be committed to providing resellers with the information and resources they need to make informed decisions in the resale market. The firm alleges to allow returns from the United States as long as the items meet their return policy, and are in the same condition as specified on the product page, and have the Rebag return tag still attached.
Rebag maintains that UPS ships all domestic packages and that a signature confirmation is necessary to receive an order. Expedited shipping is only offered for domestic orders within the United States, and it takes about 5 business days from the order date to arrive.
Compliments, complaints, and tips for Rebag
Have you patronized Rebag in the past? How was your experience? Would you recommend Rebag to your family and friends? Would you patronize Rebag again? Please leave a frank customer review and feedback of Rebag here, for prospective customers.
18-11-2022A review on Rebag: A place where buyers & sellers have totally different experiences
I recently had the pleasure of using Rebag to sell some of my designer bags and shoes, and I must say, I was thoroughly impressed with their service.
The process was incredibly easy from start to finish. First, I submitted information about my items on their website and received a quote within hours. The quote was fair and accurate. Once I accepted the offer, all I had to do was mail in my items using their pre-paid shipping label.
Their team promptly reviewed and authenticated each item upon arrival, which made me feel secure that they take counterfeit prevention seriously. Shortly after verification, they sent payment via my chosen method - either directly deposited into my account or via store credit for future purchases.
What amazed me most is not only can you sell your luxury goods at Rebag but also buy them from there at unbeatable prices while ensuring the authenticity of the products sold as everything has been professionally vetted before listing it on their platform.
Overall this experience surpassed all expectations; Great customer service plus ease-of-use make me recommend anybody to use this excellent company